This no-fuss long-lasting adhesive bonds instantly and stands up to even the most difficult conditions.
NO MORE \”bad day glue\” !!!
Its non-viscous consistency prevents fans from becoming saturated and is perfect for creating beautiful fluffy open volume and mega volume fans.
Extended retention allows lashes to last up to 7 weeks.
Rapid dry reduces application times by up to 30 minutes
Key specs:
- drying time – <1 sec.
- non-viscous
- recommended for advanced and intermediate technicians
- color is black – seamless finish
- suggested humidity up 40% – 70%
- suggested temperature up to 63-73 degrees.
- 3g,5g
- medium fumes
Proper use instructions:
- Adhesive can not touch skin at any time.
- Product can be used only on completely closed eyes through entire application.
- Use under eye gel patches or medical foam tape to minimize fumes
- Be mindful that lash extension adhesive fumes may course allergy reaction to certain people.
- Client Information consent form is required before first lash extension application.
- Patch test is required before using this product.
- Patch test should be performed for all new clients and every time different adhesive is used for application. (different adhesives have different % of ingredients)
- Be mindful that It is possible to develop sensitivity to adhesive with time.
- Read instruction on the back of the label before using.